WebSDR logbook - note that entries can be made by anyone so correctness is not guaranteed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20160904 07:22 3775.2 HB9A USKA RundQso ! HB Switzerland HB9MIR 20160910 18:57 3515.6 OJ0JR ! OJ0 Market Reef HB9BRJ 20160910 18:58 3517.5 DL6USA ! DL Germany HB9BRJ 20160910 18:59 3518.0 9A3SM ! 9A Croatia HB9BRJ 20160910 19:00 3518.9 DO1IN DL Germany HB9BRJ 20160910 19:01 3520.0 UR4IOR ! UR Ukraine HB9BRJ 20160910 19:02 3517.6 UX7IB UR Ukraine HB9BRJ 20160910 19:05 3520.1 EO160S UR Ukraine HB9BRJ 20160910 19:06 3522.1 M0RSE ! G England HB9BRJ 20160910 19:06 3522.8 DF4XX DL Germany HB9BRJ 20160910 19:06 3526.0 G3TXF G England HB9BRJ 20160910 19:07 3527.3 SM5COP ! SM Sweden HB9BRJ 20160910 19:07 3534.9 SM6FAM SM Sweden HB9BRJ 20160910 19:11 3540.9 OM8AQ ! OM Slovakia HB9BRJ 20160910 19:12 3542.0 OK1JPO ! OK Czech Republic HB9BRJ 20160910 19:12 3548.0 DL2SWK DL Germany HB9BRJ 20160910 19:13 3507.1 OH8NW ! OH Finland HB9BRJ 20160910 19:17 3502.0 JA0MVW wow, i'm impressed! ! JA Japan HB9BRJ 20160911 19:40 3508.1 LY7M ! LY Lithuania HB9BRJ 20160911 19:41 3509.0 OG9W OH Finland HB9BRJ 20160911 19:41 3512.2 IZ8XQC ! I Italy HB9BRJ 20160911 19:43 3512.0 la9bm ! LA Norway HB9BRJ 20160911 19:44 3521.0 ZA/DL2JRM ! ZA Albania HB9BRJ 20160911 19:45 3522.1 R7PL ! UA9 Asiatic Russia HB9BRJ 20160915 07:39 3759.1 DJ6CA ! DL Germany HB9CAT 20160915 07:58 3758.9 HB9FLU HB Switzerland HB9CAT 20160915 15:32 3635.1 dh4kg DL Germany dh7vk 20160928 17:48 3508.9 AN400C 599 ! EA Spain OE/PE1FJN 20160928 17:58 3523.8 OZ4UN 599 ! OZ Denmark OE/PE1FJN 20161002 18:11 3638.0 HB9BRG/p HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161101 09:50 3588.0 HB9AVK Sehr gutes Tool! Danke 73 Paul HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161115 19:40 3777.0 HE9HDY HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161115 19:41 3777.0 HE9HDY 3777,04 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161116 05:23 3794.1 VE3YJ 59+10 ! VE Canada HE9HDY 20161122 09:34 3784.0 HB9BCG und Co die senile Blödelrunde !!! ::ffff: 20161128 04:10 3793.0 LA1K 59 ! LA Norway HB3YVF 20161201 17:00 3780.0 HB9DLC kriegt eine Piza HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161213 19:15 3569.2 HB9HTC Hans HB9UH HB Switzerland hb9brj 20161213 19:15 3569.2 HB9DOK Thomas HB Switzerland hb9brj 20161222 00:45 3668.4 HB9BMC Robi HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20161231 14:44 3600.3 F11BUB JN38BT Bonne et heureuse année 2017 F11BUB JN38BT 20170104 20:04 3635.2 DB5IZ DL Germany ::ffff: 20170112 14:39 3780.0 hb9PEE sdr bACHTEL 9+20 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170112 14:41 3780.0 hb9kos 9+10 ueber sdr bachtel 15:40 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170112 15:00 3755.1 hb9bwf 16:00, urs, s7-9 fading ,R2-3 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170124 22:02 3604.1 DK3DS DL Germany ::ffff: 20170125 16:59 3752.0 F1JLY 73 ! F France ::ffff: 20170125 17:22 3791.0 G4PXW ! G England m6omr 20170130 18:06 3533.1 HB9EPE HB Switzerland ex HB9ANJ - Peter 20170205 09:19 3637.5 HBACC ::ffff: 20170208 07:21 3696.0 DG6OBC läuft.. 73 aus der Heide DL Germany ::ffff: 20170305 02:54 3600.0 S54ZZ Very strong signals on 80 m! I h ! S5 Slovenia VE7SXS 20170305 02:58 3753.0 9A1A Great signal. ! 9A Croatia VE7SXS 20170317 20:33 3644.9 f80105 fred de ::ffff: 20170317 20:55 3644.4 14LCA005 dp 23 ::ffff: 20170324 21:55 3754.0 f4her 59+ F France f4hvl 20170416 08:03 3712.3 HB9DFQ HB Switzerland HB9BQB 20170517 00:36 3715.0 SP8KF ! SP Poland ::ffff: 20170605 05:04 3625.0 HB9GN HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170608 22:31 3631.2 IX1BRW I Italy ::ffff: 20170701 19:47 3600.0 S58NM S5 Slovenia S58NM 20170716 07:07 3770.1 HE9OCK HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170717 19:30 3784.0 Oh 2 Very god de ::ffff: 20170725 06:26 3640.1 HE9OCK HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20170807 19:58 3795.0 YL3GB, Val Nice receiver, Greetings from NH KE1Y, NH 20170808 18:54 3692.0 DL3HD YL Runde DL Germany HB3YXD 20170819 15:52 3635.0 HB9Fpa HB Switzerland HB9LD 20170826 22:58 3753.0 DL6KA DL Germany ::ffff: 20170826 23:25 3753.0 DL6DS DL Germany ::ffff: 20170826 23:27 3753.0 DO6CC DL Germany ::ffff: 20170826 23:28 3749.0 EW6W ! EU Belarus ::ffff: 20170826 23:32 3777.0 DL7WHG DL Germany ::ffff: 20170826 23:52 3753.0 DB4IE DL Germany ::ffff: 20170903 08:55 3634.0 DJ9LS DL Germany DH3JK 20170903 08:56 3634.0 DJ3ZF DL Germany DH3JK 20170903 08:57 3634.0 DJ0LE DL Germany DH3JK 20170903 09:04 3634.0 DL9ZO DL Germany DH3JK 20170903 09:05 3634.0 DF4ZQ DL Germany DH3JK 20170907 10:02 3600.0 106.7 ::ffff: 20170929 21:57 3740.9 DL0AH DL Germany ::ffff: 20170929 21:58 3777.3 GM0EKM Shetland Is. ! GM Scotland ::ffff: 20171015 16:58 3787.0 HB9TPT Modulationstest. So schlecht kli HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20171119 15:36 3750.0 df7wl DL Germany ::ffff: 20171125 00:00 3546.4 AA1K ! K United States HB9HVJ 20171207 20:11 3545.5 F8UFT news from club ! F France ::ffff: 20171220 17:43 3775.0 yo2bof ! YO Romania ::ffff: 20171220 17:44 3750.0 dl7jm DL Germany hb9amb 20171220 17:46 3505.6 ru9ck UA9 Asiatic Russia hb9amb 20171220 17:50 3505.2 pa3grm ! PA Netherlands hb9amb 20180105 08:13 3635.2 dl9kk DL Germany dl1bge 20180106 14:44 3593.4 HB9BTS rtty HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180106 14:57 3593.0 HB9BTS FEC HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180106 15:20 3593.0 HB9BTS FEC HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180106 15:33 3593.0 hb9bts rtty HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180106 16:30 3591.7 DK1RR ARQ DL Germany HB9BTS 20180107 18:44 3606.5 DK1RR Pactor-I DL Germany ::ffff: 20180108 16:59 3622.0 dl3mp DL Germany dl1bge 20180109 17:05 3528.4 dl5yci DL Germany dl1bge 20180114 09:30 3592.8 HB9BTS RTTY HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180114 18:23 3591.8 HB9BTS Pactor-I HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180114 18:25 3588.9 HB9BTS AMTOR HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180203 16:25 3591.7 hb9bts pactor-1 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180203 17:45 3592.1 DK1RR FEC (Sitor-B) DL Germany ::ffff: 20180208 18:24 3592.3 HB9BTS FEC HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180209 14:18 3592.2 HB9BTS FEC (SITOR-B) HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180209 14:49 3585.3 HB9BTS RTTY HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180210 12:22 3620.0 PA18T Contest PA Netherlands ::ffff: 20180211 16:05 3592.4 dk1rr arq DL Germany ::ffff: 20180216 16:04 3590.8 hb9bts sitor-b (fec) HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180223 19:47 3762.0 G0UT G England ::ffff: 20180225 18:28 3592.2 hb9bts amtor HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180227 16:49 3592.1 HB9BTS FEC HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180302 17:50 3703.0 py4bhz audio voodoo : ))) ! PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180302 17:51 3703.0 PY4BHZ VOODOO AUDIO PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180307 19:18 3592.0 HB9BTS FEC HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180310 14:16 3591.6 hb9bts fec HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180311 17:05 3592.3 HB9BTS FEC (AMTOR) HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180317 08:03 3592.1 hb9bts amtor fec HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180330 09:59 3592.1 hb9bts rtty HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180403 17:45 3592.1 DK1RR Pactor-I DL Germany ::ffff: 20180403 18:52 3709.0 do9nut Emil DL Germany HB9PPA 20180403 18:53 3709.0 dk6ae Emil HB9PPA DL Germany HB9PPA 20180404 16:34 3592.1 DK1RR DL Germany ::ffff: 20180404 20:46 3722.0 M4J G England ::ffff: 20180408 17:58 3592.1 HB9BTS FEC, RTTY HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180509 18:16 3592.1 DK1RR FEC DL Germany ::ffff: 20180603 08:16 3710.0 HB9AVI 73 an Flughafenrunde HB9LBR Orla HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20180603 08:53 3634.0 DF8ZR DA-Runde Bernd DL Germany ::ffff: 20180603 08:53 3634.0 DF4ZO DA Runde DL Germany ::ffff: 20180603 08:55 3634.0 DJ9LS DA Runde Alberto DJ9OA 20180610 08:05 3709.9 HB9AVI 73 de Emil HB9PPA HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20180610 08:12 3710.0 HB9BGG 73 de HB9PPA Emil HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20180623 09:28 3581.1 HB9BTS RTTY HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180703 09:26 3593.0 hb9bts fec HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180714 12:52 3644.9 DA0HQ DL Germany HB9CJX 20180714 12:53 3537.3 OL8HQ OK Czech Republic HB9CJX 20180714 12:54 3521.4 sn0hq ! SP Poland HB9CJX 20180714 12:55 3512.8 sh0hq SM Sweden HB9CJX 20180714 12:55 3508.8 oe0hq ! OE Austria HB9CJX 20180714 12:56 3546.3 hb9abo/p HB Switzerland HB9CJX 20180714 12:56 3799.2 gr2hq G England HB9CJX 20180714 12:57 3645.1 da0hq DL Germany HB9CJX 20180714 12:58 3765.2 op0hq ! ON Belgium HB9CJX 20180714 12:59 3775.4 TM0HQ F France HB9CJX 20180714 13:00 3699.7 S50HQ S5 Slovenia HB9CJX 20180728 17:18 3767.9 HB9BCO loud and clear - S9+20dB HB Switzerland SWL Felix Zürich 20180729 07:16 3770.0 HB9A / USKA Ru S9+15dB SWL Felix Zürich 20180812 16:16 3752.0 La bourgogne ::ffff: 20180822 14:29 3744.9 hb3yry HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20180905 07:04 3791.0 HB9TU Znüni Runde HB Switzerland SWL Felix Zürich 20181021 07:30 3670.0 HB9SOA HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:31 3670.0 HB9JAM HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:31 3670.0 hb9nfb HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:31 3670.0 hb9s HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:31 3670.0 hb9ag HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:32 3670.0 hb9bipi HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:32 3670.0 hb9hb HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:32 3670.0 hb9eub HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181021 07:33 3670.0 hb9jam JOTA-JOTI 2018 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181111 17:32 3575.6 hb9gis HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181124 11:34 3725.0 hb9hd hb9hd? HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20181217 18:25 3657.0 ik4gro iw8..... I Italy ik1yra 20181220 06:29 3725.0 YT1PPH Super ! YU Serbia ::ffff: 20190105 16:48 3600.3 F6HAS *** F France F6HAS 20190120 10:01 3600.0 6070 ::ffff: 20190221 15:41 3752.0 f5tuo vive les pipicaca F France ::ffff: 20190317 11:29 5363.0 dl7och ! DL Germany he9ozv 20190421 09:30 3653.0 DC3KW DL Germany HB9GHI 20190428 06:45 3702.7 HB9HSLU HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20190428 10:50 3550.5 HB4FB HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20190502 10:54 3590.0 White Noise ::ffff: 20190504 18:01 3775.9 .. es snd Hobbyfunker ::ffff: 20190529 08:53 3556.2 Dk2sc DL Germany DJ6KC 20190529 08:54 3556.2 Dk2sc DL Germany DJ6KC 20190603 09:45 3672.8 HB3YZW HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20190909 21:44 3590.0 ka9dfi K United States ::ffff: 20190914 21:48 3590.0 gw7smv ! GW Wales ::ffff: 20191020 16:01 3590.0 uhux Selbstbeweihräucherung im neuen ::ffff: 20191020 16:02 3774.9 HB9O Selbstbeweihräucherung im neuen HB Switzerland uhux 20191021 18:02 3630.0 ON5HB 59+40dB PA0DX-Roel 20191214 09:16 3514.7 HB9BQB no sound? on HTML5 ? HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20191216 11:16 5352.5 OR18LLV ! ON Belgium HB9BQB 20191217 19:21 3504.8 OK7MD CQ OK Czech Republic HB9ANB 20191217 23:43 3590.0 HB3YOS HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20191226 22:45 3524.7 OK1DX OK Czech Republic HB9ANB 20191226 22:51 3524.7 OE5CSP OE Austria HB9ANB 20191226 22:55 3524.7 OK1VK OK Czech Republic HB9ANB 20191226 22:58 3524.7 HA9RT ! HA Hungary HB9ANB 20191226 23:12 3509.0 YT3X ! YU Serbia HB9ANB 20191227 23:09 3590.0 YT4T YU Serbia HE9GBC 20191227 23:11 3590.0 LA7KJ LA Norway HE9GBC 20191227 23:23 3559.3 G3VBS G England HE9GBC 20191228 22:23 3506.6 OV1CDX OZ Denmark HE9GBC 20191228 22:36 3516.9 W1MK K United States HE9GBC 20200104 23:41 3508.1 YT3 YU Serbia HE9GBC 20200104 23:44 3513.7 G3SGC G England HE9GBC 20200105 22:31 3783.0 Hb9gyf HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20200309 20:31 3663.0 DF70DARC CQ DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200313 19:08 3796.0 OT4A CQ PACITIK ON Belgium 9A7ABN 20200320 09:52 5351.5 f5syc 73 de frederic a tassin la demi ! F France f6gto 20200320 12:26 5364.2 Ik2xkf ! I Italy ::ffff: 20200320 16:49 3524.2 dl2rvr DL Germany HB9CAT 20200320 16:50 3524.2 dl2rvl DL Germany HB9CAT 20200322 09:24 3708.0 HB9BBP HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20200322 09:25 3708.0 HB9DUO HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20200322 09:27 3708.0 HB9DUO Italien HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20200322 09:32 3708.0 HB9LCJ HB Switzerland HB9PPA 20200327 15:34 5363.1 Germany super Schiegel78 20200328 15:36 3727.0 S54ZZ CQ CONTEST S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200328 15:37 3731.0 IO4C CQ CONTEST I Italy 9A7ABN 20200328 15:38 3752.1 PE00T CONTEST PA Netherlands 9A7ABN 20200328 15:40 3765.0 HG2DX CQ ! HA Hungary 9A7ABN 20200328 15:41 3723.5 OK7W CQ OK Czech Republic 9A7ABN 20200328 15:45 3738.0 YU1IQR CQ YU Serbia 9A7ABN 20200328 15:50 3742.5 HA8FK CQ HA Hungary 9A7ABN 20200328 15:51 3742.5 IK4RQJ I Italy 9A7ABN 20200328 15:52 3749.0 SP1GA CQ SP Poland 9A7ABN 20200328 15:54 3749.0 S56B ANDREA S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200328 15:55 3749.0 9A1AJ 9A Croatia 9A7ABN 20200328 15:55 3749.0 OM8AAL ! OM Slovakia 9A7ABN 20200328 15:57 3752.0 PE00T CQ CONTEST PA Netherlands 9A7ABN 20200328 15:57 3752.0 YO5CUQ YO Romania 9A7ABN 20200328 15:59 3760.0 YX2X ! YV Venezuela 9A7ABN 20200328 16:19 3769.0 S56B CQ CONTEST S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200328 16:23 3773.0 SP3GTS CONTEST SP Poland 9A7ABN 20200328 16:23 3773.0 IZ2QZH I Italy 9A7ABN 20200328 16:28 3778.9 DK5KK CQ DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 16:33 3794.0 S56P CQ S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200328 16:34 3797.0 RW2F CQ ! UA2 Kaliningrad 9A7ABN 20200328 16:35 3800.0 DR1X CQ DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:05 3683.0 OK6T CQ OK Czech Republic 9A7ABN 20200328 17:08 3694.0 DP4G CQ DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:08 3694.0 DK6DKO DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:09 3694.0 OK2QA OK Czech Republic 9A7ABN 20200328 17:12 3701.0 OT5L CQ ON Belgium 9A7ABN 20200328 17:13 3709.0 DL5KBO DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:14 3709.0 SP7MC CQ SP Poland 9A7ABN 20200328 17:15 3713.0 OK7W OK Czech Republic 9A7ABN 20200328 17:16 3713.0 IJ6FUV 9A7ABN 20200328 17:20 3720.0 OU8A ! OZ Denmark 9A7ABN 20200328 17:20 3720.0 DL3ALI CQ DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:22 3720.0 DL5KK DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:22 3720.0 YO5CUQ YO Romania 9A7ABN 20200328 17:24 3727.0 S54ZZ CQ S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200328 17:25 3727.0 UV2V ! UR Ukraine 9A7ABN 20200328 17:26 3731.0 IO4C CQ I Italy 9A7ABN 20200328 17:27 3733.0 DO4TP DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:28 3733.0 DL6VCO DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:28 3733.0 YU1IQR CQ YU Serbia 9A7ABN 20200328 17:29 3733.0 YL3ALK ! YL Latvia 9A7ABN 20200328 17:29 3733.0 OK1WSL OK Czech Republic 9A7ABN 20200328 17:30 3733.0 DL1GZW DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200328 17:31 3738.0 RU3U UA European Russia 9A7ABN 20200328 17:31 3738.0 RA3U UA European Russia 9A7ABN 20200328 17:34 3740.0 LU5XX CQ ! LU Argentina 9A7ABN 20200328 17:36 3740.0 LY5XX CQ ! LY Lithuania 9A7ABN 20200328 17:38 3744.0 LY2DX LY Lithuania 9A7ABN 20200328 17:39 3744.0 S54W CQ S5 Slovenia 9A7ABN 20200401 16:06 3632.1 f6pct F France ::ffff: 20200405 08:07 3710.0 HB9LCJ HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200405 08:07 3710.0 HB9BGG HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200405 08:08 3710.0 HB9BPP HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200405 08:10 3710.0 HB9KNV HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200405 08:12 3710.0 HB9EFX HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200405 08:18 3710.0 HB9DFQ HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20200411 15:38 3724.0 DK2WH CQ CONTEST DL Germany 9A7ABN 20200418 22:20 3507.1 OZ5DX OZ Denmark HB9GBC 20200508 16:59 3558.0 f1szc F France ::ffff: 20200611 13:58 3640.0 ik4uxa Tnx the service 73' I Italy ::ffff: 20200613 18:23 3720.0 hb9ano test HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20200614 08:38 3710.0 HB9BBP Flughafenrunde HB Switzerland HB9HGP 20200615 16:25 3776.1 DG1SGE DL Germany HB9HGP 20200615 17:55 3690.2 DO3ALF CQ DL Germany HB9HGP 20200615 20:30 5355.3 dk3ww cw DL Germany oe6dwg 20200615 21:58 3738.0 DN1MNZ DL Germany HB9HGP 20200617 18:02 3751.2 HB9BGG Winterthurer Rundi HB Switzerland HB9HGP 20200624 18:39 3748.0 HB9E Winterthurer Runde HB Switzerland HB9LBC 20200708 19:44 5351.3 HE9IDZ ! HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20200716 14:52 3594.8 hb9bts HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20200814 17:30 3593.7 hb9bts fec HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20201008 18:21 3627.1 FP0A9R ! FP St. Pierre & Miq ::ffff: 20201011 11:12 5357.1 G6WZA ! G England HB9HFK 20201031 21:09 3711.0 HB9VCJ HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20201109 17:54 3783.4 ik2sgp I Italy ::ffff: 20201124 15:07 3590.0 is0hza very well ! IS Sardinia ::ffff: 20201207 18:30 3640.5 14HS6091 ::ffff: 20201220 10:23 3778.5 DG6FFG DL Germany ::ffff: 20201229 21:02 3764.1 zl3ab ! ZL New Zealand hb9abx 20210216 10:10 5352.1 HB9BIN/p HB Switzerland HB9BQB 20210220 08:26 3637.8 HB9TU vy strong, may be remote on bach HB Switzerland HB9BQB 20210220 08:31 3590.0 HB9AJW ist so stark dass der RX zurück HB Switzerland HB9BQB 20210330 02:50 3791.1 KC1 ! K United States Schiegel78 20210330 05:09 3513.9 ok1dn 599 OK Czech Republic it9mnw 20210330 05:09 3516.0 g4rcg cq cq 599 G England it9mnw 20210330 05:13 3518.8 i2zzu cq cq 599 I Italy it9mnw 20210330 05:29 3525.0 g3ncn 599 qsb in qso g0aql G England it9mnw 20210405 04:46 3791.1 DC5VU DL Germany Schiegel78 20210503 19:38 3760.0 DO2ARN DL Germany ::ffff: 20210505 09:37 5354.0 DJ5QZ Marburg, HaJo, DL Germany ::ffff: 20210530 16:17 3621.1 DL-Station labert non-stop ::ffff: 20210607 16:25 3646.0 Labertasche oh ::ffff: 20210607 16:35 3646.0 unid Schweizer Labertaschen ohne Rufz ::ffff: 20211008 17:13 3596.0 Laurent ::ffff: 20211022 20:13 3590.0 hb3xtq HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20211111 17:54 3668.7 DL1DX s9+10dB DL Germany do1nic 20211111 17:54 3668.7 dk6vco s9+5dB DL Germany do1nic 20211121 09:04 3710.0 HB9LCJ HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:06 3710.0 HB9DFQ HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:07 3710.0 HB9BBP HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:08 3710.0 HB9AVI HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:10 3710.0 HB9BGL HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:10 3710.0 HB9DUO HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:12 3710.0 HB9BBP HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211121 09:14 3710.0 HB9KNV HB Switzerland HB9LBR 20211129 08:11 3599.2 HB9DQJ HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20211130 21:40 3720.0 convinia 3720 73 lexiliner Lexiliner73 20211208 18:04 3590.0 cy ciao ::ffff: 20220208 19:16 3768.0 F4WCB Pfäffikon 5/9+30/ Noise Lv S7/ F France hb9trr 20220208 19:17 3768.0 HB3ywy PF. Down-Town 5/9+10, WEB 5/9 HB Switzerland hb9trr 20220208 19:21 3768.0 DL7BCA Interessant Pfäffikon Hyendfeed DL Germany hb9trr 20220531 06:29 3745.0 hb9tor 73 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20220602 06:35 3745.0 hb9tor 73 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20220603 06:32 3745.0 hb9tor 73 HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20221205 16:35 3535.3 Yes ::ffff: 20221211 19:55 3589.9 HB9HSB HB Switzerland HB9HSB 20230305 15:35 3590.0 Лента Литва Наша лента ::ffff: 20230405 22:33 3615.0 do1ba DL Germany ::ffff: 20230509 09:58 3609.0 DJ7XY DL Germany DJ7XY 20230716 09:44 5360.0 dl3vdl DL Germany ::ffff: 20230802 09:42 3590.0 HB9MPN HB Switzerland ::ffff: 20231115 09:08 3590.0 hb9 pxj 73 ::ffff: 20240616 19:38 5353.6 G3YPZ S9+20 G England ::ffff: 20240616 19:39 5353.6 G3YPZ S9+20 G England I1iXE 20240712 04:47 3605.1 F6 AEG F6 AEG 20240920 22:23 3622.0 iz1aad I Italy ::ffff: 20240921 19:31 3640.0 iw2gic I Italy pierpaolo 20250122 18:27 5289.4 HB9AW beacon great reception. Do you need b ::ffff: 20250122 23:22 5301.1 Ciao Ciao ::ffff: 20250226 22:38 3590.0 music 3.590 leaking music image, needs filt maple